Collected Conversations 2021
34×34mm / 9pieces / Ink,paper / silk-screen printing
2018年より制作を始めた≪Collected Conversations≫は、街中で収集した会話をモチーフに、シルクスクリーンプリントによってインクを何度も刷り重ね、文字を立体にた作品シリーズです。本作は異なる場所で集めた会話9点から構成されています。インクが積み重なることによって文字がほころび、かたちが失われていく様子は、会話の齟齬や、時と共にそこにある物語が消滅していくことを表しています。
This graphic installation attempts to retain 9 conversations that I have picked up whilst walking around the city.
This sculpture-like work was created thorough screen printing, by layering the ink over and over.
Printing and layering the ink hundreds of times may cause some of the letters to fray and lose their original shape. It is like how preserved conversations differ from their past versions, and how they may even disappear altogether. It is also similar to the manners of the human memory, in which ephemeral memories are retained, distorted, and partially or completely, forgotten.
Click the photo for details